
Bruges’ most famous – beer

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Bruges attracts some people by its charm, canals network and the spell of its narrow streets and neat apartment houses. Others are drawn to Bruges by the perfection of Belgian chocolate or cuisine. We were lured by another typical Belgian product – beer. It has been well-known for us since ever. Today more and more often we reach for wine but beer is still something that we like. Especially since beer sector has undergone a serious revolution. New hopes, new types of beers appeared bringing to the beer craft new flavours to be discovered.

Going to Bruges we planned to take part in Bruges Beer Festival. It was its 8th edition we had a chance to visit. Maybe because we are not connoisseur or experts, we just simply like beer, we were impressed by over 300 beers from 80 breweries.

Our first impression was that it was some kind of beer geek convention but in fact the atmosphere reminded  a family gathering. We expected Ola to be the only child there and were even wondering if it will be appropriate to take her there. It was. Not only we met other kids there but some of them were way smaller than Ola. Not to mention dogs which visited the show as well. We noticed many international participants. People from all over te world invaded Bruges to follow up the novelties in beer sector, discover new tastes and enjoy well known ones. We were surrouned by enthusiasts with their noses in teku glasses smelling for new aromas and discussing about beer and its advantages.

Bruges Beer FestivalBruges Beer FestivalBruges Beer FestivalBruges Beer FestivalBruges Beer Festival

We started with a kit for 20 euro with two tasting glasses and 8 tokens, each for 150 ml of liquor.

Bruges Beer Festival

At the begining we tried some belgian style beers, we spent a lot of time at the stand of Delirium Tremens with their characteristic pink elephant. We couldn’t have passed by Kwak – a type of Belgian beer served in specialy designed glasses and typical Belgian tripel beer. From the wide range of dark beers dad espacially liked Muurken. And of course we had to try some barley wine and russian imperial stout from White Pony Brewery. Those were good things!

Bruges Beer FestivalBruges Beer FestivalBruges Beer FestivalBruges Beer FestivalBruges Beer FestivalBruges Beer FestivalBruges Beer Festival

Besides beer there was some food at the fairground. Nothing special but some snacks for all those who got hungry after having couple of glasses of the liquor. There was also an arena for presentation of cooking by some Belgian chefs. And it was the place where mom and Ola spent most of time. After having her own dinner Ola enjoyed some samples of food cooked on the stage. She seemed to appreciate chefs’ skills as was looking for more!

Bruges Beer FestivalBruges Beer Festival

We took teku glasses home as souvenirs, maybe next year we will visit the show too and get another ones.

In the afternoon when some serious quantities of beer have been consumed the atmosphere became more cheerful. It even spreaded to the city. Suprisingly even in our hotel we found some people from the fairs continuing the fest in a really well equipped bar.

Bruges Beer Festival Bruges Beer Festival Bruges Beer Festival Bruges Beer Festival Bruges Beer Festival

We can reccomend hotel Cordoeanier as it is located in the very center of the city and has good range of beers.

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