
A year older, wiser and happier

Posted BlogBaby in travel

Exactly a year since we went to our first journey with Ola passed in September and thanks to this anniversary we recalled many memories and did some summaries. In September 2014 we took our little daughter on board of the plane for the first time. She was little over 5 months and we couldn’t stay home any longer. We chose a weel known for us destination – Georgia (in Caucasus). Were we affraid? Of course!

First of all we were wondering how she will take the flight, because it has to be something big for such a little baby. She behaved perfectly both ways and gave us green light to buy another tickets. Since that time we have learned a lot about what to do with a baby on the airport, how to buy a ticket for an infant and finally what to do on board with a little one. About most of those things we already have told you.

Ola in travel

But the journey with a baby to remote distances is not only abut the plane. It means a few days stay out of your home, the change of all conditions, not only those environmental but also those basic ones – new baby cot, new smell of the bed sheets and so on. Not every baby likes such changes but luckily Ola doesn’t care about them at all and usually sleeps the best out of the three of us. Especially when there are no baby cots in the hotel and she has to sleep with us on our bed. She takes 2/3 of the bed and we are just hanging of it on both sides, so no wonder that she sleeps the best. 

Ola in travel

We are more than happy that through this year Ola has never got sick while we were out of home. Oh, maybe once when she got runny nose in Qatar. But we have never been forced to look for a doctor’s help abroad and we hope to keep it that way. Even teething our daughter postponed for returning home. Despite that we always pack to our luggage a set of basic medicines. We believe it’s better to be prepared for the most likely health problems than to look for any meds in urgent situation. 

But we cannot say that it’s always so wonderful that Ola doesn’t get sick at all. Because of her cold we have missed so far only one trip. One day before our trip to Serbia, with the plan to visit also Macedonia and Montenegro, and maybe even jump in Albania, Ola got horibble cough and we couldn’t have taken other decision that to stay home. We almost cried when next day in the evening we realised that she feels much better already and is almost completely healthy. And the trip? Was gone. But surely there will be the next one! We decided not to regret our decision, one day we will catch up with this direction but the journey with a sick baby might not have been pleasure for any of us.

Ola in travel

You have to know that during our trips we found Ola to be the most outgoing of our whole family. Since the time we have traveled with Ola first contacts we make with other people abroad are usually because of her. Sometimes she is faster than we can expect. We didn’t manage to get on the plane, put all our luggage above and sit well when we notice that our daughter keeps her head between the chairs for a while already. Turing around we saw some nice Georgian guy already telling her about his little daughter and showing her pictures in his phone!

Ola in travel

Ola is also famous for socializing with kids in her age. She just loves other children in every corner of the world. Seeing other kids she cannot wait and, now when she already can on her own, runs towards them ready to play. Doesn’t matter if they are from different language areas, they don’t know how to speak yet anyway. 

Moldova, ChisinauOla w podróżyOla w podróży

And we cannot forget that little babies are helpful in difficult situations. During our trips we managed to do many things only thanks to Ola. From the lastest: only thanks to her we finally after only 2 hours were able to leave the Abkhazian border. We were very close to serious formal problems and the necessity of going back to the capital. Luckily Ola softened the hearts of customs officers, impossible became possible and we were free to go. How not to find yourself in such situation we will try to advise tomorrow!

And so within this year our daughter managed to visit 3 continents, 22 countries, 2 of which unrecognized, swim in 2 seas, one ocean and step on the top of almost 3000-meters-high mountain. How many beds she has slept in we cannot count but the most important is that time we spend together visiting new corners of the world, learning new customs and meeting people. On every our trip we spend more time together than we usually have a chance at home. We get up together, together leave to see some new amazing things and tired fall asleep right next to each other in the evenings. Totaly opposite to those few hours a day we get from the whole day in normal life. And we are so happy about it because we really like each other and all that time gives us a real pleasure. Add new places, people and their stories and we are the happiest ever. 

Ola w podróży

But we have to admit that we are not always happy, not always feel convenient, now always well-slept but there is no force that will keep us home for longer time. We keep on looking for new destinations and plan our life months ahead. Now we would like to encourage those with children and those without – catch all those ticket occasions that you see on the internet and go see the world! There are so many beautiful places to be visited, the world is waiting!

Comments (10)
  1. Basia || Podróże Hani Monday October 5th, 2015 at 07:46 AM

    Oj zazdroszczę wam dziecka stworzonego do wyjazdów, my tak mieliśmy z Hanką, szwędaliśmy się z nią non stop (co prawda tylko po okolicy, ale i tak było super), jak urodził się Hubo to plany były wielkie (m. in. właśnie Gruzja), ale on to zupełnie inna bajka, dopiero teraz da się z nim gdzieś ruszyć 😉

  2. KasiaN Monday October 5th, 2015 at 07:58 AM

    Tak trzymać! Moje dzieci też podróżują od maleńkości!

  3. Mona Monday October 5th, 2015 at 01:54 PM

    Nie ma się co dziwić, że Mała zmiękcza najtwardsze serca, skoro już na samych zdjęciach wygląda przeuroczo 😉

    No i ten kontakt z rówieśnikami! Chyba najlepsza rzecz. Ludzie się później blokują, boją mówić, zagadywać, a już nie daj bóg w obcym języku, do kogoś z innego obszaru kulturowego. Ta dziecięca ciekawość i bezpretensjonalność przypomina, jak zwyczajne i naturalne jest kontaktowanie się, a jeżeli chcesz się dogadać, jesteś w stanie, 80% sukcesu to mowa ciała.

  4. Marcin - NRWTrip Monday October 5th, 2015 at 02:24 PM

    Niby taki mały człowieczek a tak wiele może zdziałać… super pociecha!

  5. Marcin W Tuesday October 6th, 2015 at 09:17 AM

    Nie jestem specjalistą od podróżowania z dziećmi, ale tak mi się właśnie wydawało, że ten wiek to dobry moment na rozpoczęcie podróżowania z dzieckiem. Może będzie już coś pamiętać! Pozdrawiam! :)

  6. Marie Saturday April 16th, 2016 at 06:05 PM

    Ale super! Tak ogolnie, taki pozitywnie blog!
    Uwielbiamy podrozowac z naszym synem. To sa dla nas i dla niego takie wazne chwile.
    Jak slusze jak on teraz mowi dzien dobry i dziekuje po Tajsku, ahahahahaha taka szczesliwa jestem!
    Fantastyczne. :)

    Wish you the very best!
    (Sorry na moje Polski, nie lubie pisac po polsku)

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